Fonte: ANEEL
The Hydroelectric Company of São Francisco (Chesf) has been authorized by the National Electricity Agency (ANEEL) to perform reinforcements at the Igaporã III Substation with the installation of connection modules, banks of autotransformers, a general infrastructure module, an infrastructure maneuver module, bar interconnection module, connection bars reactor module, bank of bar reactors, among other equipment. To do this, it will receive a Permitted Annual Revenue of R $ 7.7 million. The decision was taken during a Public Board Meeting last Tuesday (01/21).
The value of the RAP for the transmission service remuneration is calculated based on the useful life of equipment, with the receipt from the date of commencement of commercial operation. The readjustment of values should be conducted by the index established in the Concession Agreement signed between the Union and the Concessionaire transmission.
RAP is established by the Agency to compensate the concessionaire investments in electricity transmission facilities. This recipe also covers the costs of operation and maintenance that companies have with these endeavors.