Information about UHE Três Irmãos may already be requested in the Agency

Fonte: ANEELThe information provided by the Companhia Energética de São Paulo – CESP on the Hydroelectric Plant Três Irmãos is already available for those interested in participating in the auction of the plant. To access the data, one should request a copy of the files by delivering three DVDs directly to the Documentation Center, at the headquarters of the National Electricity Agency (ANEEL), or send them by post to the address of the Agency. If taken in person, the files will be saved in a pen drive or external HD with free space of over 11 GB. The minimum deadline for the production of copies is of five business days upon receipt of the medias.
The data contained in the DVDs are the sole responsibility of CESP. Any discrepancies or inconsistencies eventually found may be reported to the Special Committee – CEL, through the e-mail address Please find more information here.
The public Consultation No. 10/2013, which discussed the modeling of the data room (information room), received 390 contributions until 10/29/2013. According to the query result, those responsible for the plant must provide, for example, the recent multi-year schedules of machine shutdowns for maintenance and report of the last maintenances performed; presentation of the operating range of the generating units (power x abrupt shutdown); List of pending items of deficiencies and risks existent in the UHE; Matrix presentation and training records as well as skills of technicians, among others. 
  The UHE Três Irmãos, currently operating under CESP will need to be bid again because the state company did not accept to renew the contract according to the rules established by the federal government in late 2012. UHE is located by the Tietê – Pereira Barreto (SP) river. I has an installed capacity of 807,50 MW and the first generating unit went into operation in 1993. The announcement of the event should be placed in a public hearing for discussion and subsequent approval of the collegiate board of the Agency.